Lessons in Submission – Lesson #4


Last Sunday, tragedy knocked on our door and tried to take a foothold. Fear was right behind, along with doubt, anger, and grief. My Sir discovered his 87 year old father unconscious and barely breathing. We were both initially shocked, as anyone would be, but we moved forward into the unknown. I started to become overwhelmed, which was exacerbated by the fact that we had just come off of our Yom Kippur fast the night before and we just had a week of very hard weather that was taking a toll on many where we live. We both went into autopilot/survival/necessity mode.

Inevitable death is at our doorstep and we have had to make a series of very difficult choices for the future, but I believe we’ve used wisdom and because of that we have some peace.

“Another reason why people are feeling overwhelmed is because people are not in true survival or crisis mode as often as they have been in much of our history. The interesting thing about crisis is that it actually produces a type of serenity. Why? Because in a crisis, people have to integrate all kinds of information that’s potentially relevant; they have to make decisions quickly, they have to then trust their intuitive judgment calls in the moment. They have to act. They’re constantly course-correcting based on data that’s coming up, and they’re very focused on some outcome, usually live – you know, survive. Don’t burn up. Don’t die.”

– David Allen as quoted in the Atlantic

We can let the example and repercussions of a poorly lived life make us retreat and hide or we can take hold of the life we have right now and live it. We had an amazing talk the other night and made some decisions the suit us. I am happy to say that we choose life! We don’t want to wait any longer for those things that truly make us happy. “Let’s wait until next year” has turned into “Let’s do this right now!” We talked about how we can accomplish what we want in the here and now. We also made the firm decision that even if we don’t fully understand everything, he is my Dominate and I am his submissive and it’s never going away. This is who we are.


Your Domination and submission will be put through many tests along the way. How will you stand? We have chosen free-fall into total abandon. No holding back.

33 thoughts on “Lessons in Submission – Lesson #4

  1. Oh Elle….I’ve been thinking about you today!

    Your post brought tears to my eyes…I’m so sorry for the crisis you are going through, but I’m so happy that you are drawing closer to each other and taking life by the reins and soaring!

    I LOVE those pictures and your words are….beautiful! “No holding back”!!!


    • Thank you. I’ve missed everyone so much. Such a hard week and then having to find out family secrets, lies, and levels of desperation that made my skin crawl. I felt this storm brewing for a good month and I’ve been on edge for while. God had been preparing my heart, I just couldn’t articulate it. We don’t want to live by the poor examples that have been set before us. This event confirmed the fact that we are on the most wonderful path with each other. We know the future will be amazing.


  2. Elle… As you know you are always in my prayers and we have missed you out on the blogs!!! I’m so happy to hear you and your sir are moving forward and you know it will be stronger than ever!!! ❤️❤️💋💋


  3. Ellr you and yours are in my prays stay strong girl. 🙂 I’m happy that you and your Sir are going to up the D/s activity.We will have an open ear girl.


    • I know you are and I hope you know I am with you, too. Remember, I’m Dorothy and your’re Alice. You’ve been down the rabbit hole and I have had to fight off a witch and flying monkeys. I keep saying, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. ” Dorothy said to Scarecrow, “I’m going to miss you most of all” and that’s how I feel being away. I’ve missed you most of all. I miss our talks and I miss our jokes. I just simply miss you.


  4. I’m so sorry to hear about your Sir’s father 😦 I hope everything will be ok. And Im happy to hear about positives you mentioned wrt to your future, whatever they may be. 🙂


    • Thank you Mala. We’re taking it one day at a time with my father in law. As for my Sir and I, we are moving forward and not looking back. We plan to finally take our Salsa and Argentine Tango classes. We want to travel and go out to sexy, romantic dinners more and the best part is that we will be making our D/s an absolute priority.


  5. Prayers for your difficult times–God often refines us with fire to make us stronger and purer. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time (well… we may disagree a bit on that in D/s circles!), but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

    And good for you on the dance classes! One of my goals too, I adore Latin and tango… so I may be following “your lead.” Carpe Diem, this has been the topic of so many of our recent discussions, including travel which we love. The world is an amazing place to enjoy. We need to live fully while we have the energy and strength, and not to waste a precious moment. God sometimes gives us these difficult times to instruct us.


  6. Carpe diem indeed….for who knows what tomorrow brings. Horace knew that better than most. And well, I know you are doing it tough….take care, even in abandonment..


  7. D/s is all about trust…. Trust you have to have with your husband, mother, father…. family & friends.
    Sorry all this happened… LK
    ( )o


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