I’m Back! Did You Miss Me?


This is the mood I’m in and that’s a really good place to be. I am more in love with my Sir than ever. So many wonderful things to look forward to…travel, dance classes, fun new toys, and lots and lots of bondage and spankings. My imagination has run wild lately and I am ready for anything…ANYTHING!!!

We are just about ready to redecorate our bedroom and I am anxious with anticipation. We are going to make it very sexy with some hidden toy storage and some sound proofing. Yes, I know I promised to post those sound proofing ideas a while ago, but now I get to do that from experience. Lucky you!

A really good and long scene is a little overdue, but it’ll happen this Saturday. I’m looking forward to being sore and bruised. I want to see his mark on everywhere on my skin.

Hope all you kinky folks are living and loving your lives to the fullest. Be safe and give it your all because this is the only life you have. Mwah!

23 thoughts on “I’m Back! Did You Miss Me?

  1. Welcome back! Missed hearing from you. Sexy picture, BTW! Mmmmmm, yes– bondage and spankings, oo la la!

    I’d love to figure out inconspicuous ways to turn our bedroom (or the game room) into a “Red Room” or “Play Room.” I’ve been fascinated about how bondage works with run-of-the-mill furnishings… and also how people put ceiling hooks in… all fantasies, which I don’t know my DH is ready for, but I certainly am!

    Happy Kink-ing!


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