I Love Your Smile

It gets me everytime, illuminating my path and like a beacon I’m drawn to your light and warmth.

The first day I saw your smile I saw my entire life flash before me.
I saw the friend, the lover, the husband, and the father you would become.

You are that man I knew you would be and so much more.

Our protector and provider. Our confidante and confessor. Our rock and our rescuer.

I smile knowing you’re in the audience and from the wings of the stage I take a peak to see if I can catch a glimpse of you. We watch her turn and leap and glide across the stage and I know the whole time you’re smiling that smile that I love and it’s so full of pride as you watch our baby girl shine in the spotlight as she dances.

We meet you in the lobby after the show and the first thing I see is your smile as we approach and I’m instantly home. Anywhere you are is home.

As I sit in the dressing room helping with costumes and makeup and all the preparations for two more shows to go you’re home being Daddy to our special little boy who isn’t feeling well today. You’re where you need to be, giving him your smile and making him feel better. Today you gave selflessly to our children because you love being their Daddy.

You’re a wonderful Daddy to our beautiful children. Happy Father’s Day to the best man I know.

And Happy Father’s Day to all the fine men out there that take care of their kids and give them what they need…a father.