
Today began my third week at my new job. I am going through 12 weeks of intensive training. Couple the training and the demands of a new job in the tech industry with a new crazy family schedule (school dropoffs and pickups, after school activities, homework, laundry, shopping, cooking, cleaning) and I am one loopy girl.

Coach has not been demanding at all. Coach has been more than understanding. Coach has been kind and gentle. Coach has been a supportive husband and it’s making me go out of my mind!

I know he means well. I know he wants me to find my pace and rhythm. I know he’s only thinking of me…..BUT, BUT, BUT…I need HIS pace and rhythm. I need him keeping me in line and making sure I follow through. I need him setting the tone because when I take charge of my life I’m like a runaway freight train. I’m full steam ahead. I don’t want that. We’ve been there and it doesn’t work for us.

Yesterday I knelt and explained. I went to him before any kind of spiral or plunge into the pit. I know what I need and so does he. He heard me. He understood. I am better.

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24 thoughts on “Craving

  1. It is so hard to tell our wonderful men that we want a firm hand rather than a soft touch. They mean well. They want what’s best for us, they want to be supportive when we’re crazy busy and spinning. We’re incredibly blessed to be with men who can handle us, and who hear our cries for Dominance even while we’re out their ruling the world! Sounds like Friday is going to be a great time!


    • He knows the demands of my new job and didn’t want to put any added demands on me, but I need HIS demands to keep me centered. As for my job, I have plans move up quickly. The company is fantastic that way and there’s huge opportunity for advancement, however, when I come home I need to not lead.

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